March 22, 2010

My Random Addiction...aka I Love Mascara

Hello, my name is The Mrs, and I'm addicted to mascara.  I don't plan on recovering from this addiction for a very long time.  Here are the mascaras currently in my arsenal...

And the four I use most often--CG lash blast, Maybeline Big Great Lash, Bare Minerals Flawless and L'Oreal Voluminous Naturale.  Don't ask me to pick a fave--I love them all!

Do you see your favorite among my treasures?  Am I missing a must have?  And, seriously, what do y'all use to remove your eye makeupm, because some of these really like to stick around.... I'd love to hear your recommendations!


  1. Can I just say THANK YOU for having multiple mascaras? I feared I was the only one! :) I have three going right now: a cheapie waterproof NYC, LashBlast Length (the yellow tube) and a gold tube that came from a department store and I cannot remember the name right now. My favorite is probably the LashBlast Length.

    This trend started for me in high school because my mom would go to Macy's, buy her stuff, and give me the "gift with purchase" mini sizes. So I always had a few really nice mascaras going. She will still do this sometimes or will buy me a mascara at Christmas or my birthday, and I usually have no fewer than 3 tubes in rotation.

    Options are good, right? :)

  2. I love, love, love Great Lash, but am allergic to it. Every few years I think I block it out that I'm allergic and try it just "one" more time and end up with my eyes swollen shut. I'm still on the search for that perfect one.
