So, tomorrow, I'm meeting awesome ladies! Can't wait. In the meantime, a peek into my life...
8 TV Shows I Like to Watch
1. Grey’s Anatomy
2. Private Practice
3. Glee
4. Brothers & Sisters
5. Real Housewives—OC, NY & NJ
6. Amazing Race
7. Dancing with the Stars
8. American Idol
8 Favorite Places to Eat and Drink
1. Beef & Bottle
2. Showmars
3. Providence Cafe
4. Just Fresh
5. Chick Fil A
6. Mama Ricotta’s
7. Village Tavern
8. Cosmos
8 Things I’m Looking Forward To
1. Meeting my Twitter friends tomorrow
2. Meeting The Pioneer Woman tomorrow
3. A friends birthday party tomorrow night
4. My Godson’s birthday party
5. A fun get together on Saturday
6. A wedding in Memphis in October
7. Gamecock Football season
8. Sleeping in tomorrow!
8 Things that Happened to me Yesterday
1. Fielded a call at work from debt collectors looking for my ex-husband
2. Had lunch with a good friend/co-worker
3. Worked
4. Emailed ex-husband
5. Gave myself a pedicure
6. Tweeted
7. I did the dishes
8. exchanged phone numbers with internet friends
8 Thinks I Like About Winter
1. Christmas
2. Sweaters
3. Snow
4. Comfy fleece
5. Roaring fires
6. Scarves
7. Bowl Games
8. New Years
8 Things I am Passionate About
1. My family
2. My friends
3. My friends children
4. Reading
5. Finances
6. The golden rule
7. my job
8. Gamecock Football
8 Words or Phrases I Use Often
1. Y'all
2. What is wrong with people?
3. Really?
4. Seriously?
5. Yay!
6. M-F’er
7. OMG
8. WTF
8 Things I Have Learned From the Past
1. You really do need algebra later in life
2. You do not need calculus
3. Every second matters
4. Don’t give up your friendships for a boy
5. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…
6. Don’t co-sign a loan for anyone
7. Effort in=results out
8. Mom & Dad find out everything
8 Places I Would Like to Visit/See
1. Napa
2. Turks & Caicos
3. Cancun
4. Australia
5. Venice
6. Paris
7. London
8. Austria
8 Things I Currently Want/Need
1. a day off
2. a platter
3. to lose 10 pounds
4. the mister to get a job
5. a new house
6. more time to pursue my interests
7. my #2 niece to move back home with my sister
8. more time with the mister
Southern Savers Facebook Page Has Been Hacked!
5 hours ago
How fun you get to meet your Twitter friends. If I live closer, I would come meet you all too!! Have a great time!
ReplyDeleteThis is so neat! I might have to try this on my blog!