March 9, 2010

Photography Week 2

Now that I've got my nifty new camera, I can participate in this weeks lesson.  I'm under the weather, so this post will be short.  Head over to Meredith's blog for a great run down on this weeks lesson on ISO and shutter speed.

I played around with the shutter speed on my camera quite a bit, and here are the results.

Picture 1--shutter speed of 1/60.  The shutter is open longer, so the movement of the water is not frozen in time.

Picture 2--shutter speed of 1/100.  You can already see individual drops of water.

Pictrure 3--shutter speed of 1/1000.  The water looks frozen.

Picture 4--shutter speed 1/2000.  This is as high as my camera goes and I wanted to see what it looked like. :-)

So there you have it--my shutter speed lesson.  This is pretty cool, and setting my shutter speed faster actually helped me get some great shots this weekend of my niece holding her new brother while she was rocking him.  More to come on my new nephew, once I kick this crud I've caught from my co-workers...


  1. Great job!! Looks like you had fun with this one!!

  2. VERY nice! You definitely got that down well!

  3. Very cool! :D How satisfying that it paid off in real life.

  4. These pictures came out really good! You must have had lots of lighting in the room. I tried to get as much lighting as I could for my pictures but they are still a bit dark.

  5. Great work! Have fun with your new camera & see you next week :)
