March 16, 2010

Photography Week 3

Week three talks about white balance.  Once again, Meredith does a good job explaining it.  Click here for the full lesson.

My first set of pictures didn't really come out that great, so I turned off the flash...gasp!  I took these pics at 7:00 in my room that has all the windows and with all the lights on.  I thought the pictures without the flash demonstrated the idea of white balance better.  I used a shutter speed of 1/3 also.  What do you think??

Auto White Balance

Incandescent--my camera's answer to tungsten

Custom White Balance

And last, but certainly not least, a picture of my new nephew!


  1. That's a great demonstration of how the Tungsten/Incandescent option isn't always best! Did you find that you got blurry shots with such a slow shutter speed? Also, congrats on the new nephew!

  2. Yep big different in all three. Good job! And congrats on your new nephew. He's a cutie!
